Improving accuracy of transcriptions

Table of contents
  1. Improving accuracy of transcriptions
    1. Reducing the strictness of your tests
    2. Training your transcriber
    3. Measuring the accuracy

Writing scenarios that reflect your IVR flows is useful for both documentation and asserting their behaviour. Ideally you should be able to refer to your scenarios when you want to understand the behaviour of your IVR flow.

However, being able to document your flow accurately in a scenario file relies on the accuracy of the transcription of the call.

A poor quality transcription can turn the prompts:

Welcome to Fictional Enterprise. Please enter your account number followed by hash

Press 1 to hear your balance or 2 for customer services

Your balance is 2 pounds and 1 pence

into the illegible:

welcome to fit enter pies please enter you account number follows by dash

press 1 to hear your ballet or 2 for consumer services

your ballet is 2 pounds and 1 pence

This example has been exaggerated for illustrative purposes. They’re never usually this bad.

There are two ways to deal with poor quality transcriptions, both can be used in conjunction. The first and preferred approach is to train your transcription to be more accurate, and the second is to reduce the strictness of what you expect to hear from each prompt.

Let’s start with reducing the strictness, as it’s the quickest:

Reducing the strictness of your tests

As we’ve said, this method is a quick way to reduce the expectations your instructions have on a prompt, but comes with downsides:

  • It isn’t easy to understand what the flow is asking nor expecting by looking at your test definition
  • You’re less likely to pick up changes to your flow

Using the following methods you can create a very lenient flow:

  • similarTo(<question text>,<similarity thresold>) with similarity threshold so low that it misses genuine errors
  • isAnything() to ignore what is being said in a prompt all-together
  • contains(...) to check for the presence of word(s) in the prompt

Resulting in a very forgiving but hard to follow call flow:

const balanceTest = {
  name: "Customer can ask to hear their balance",
  instructions: inOrder([
      whenPrompt: similarTo(
        "please enter your account number followed by hash",
        0.3 // Similarity threshold (0 to 1)
      then: press("864586#"),
      silenceAfterPrompt: 3000,
      timeout: 6000,
      whenPrompt: isAnything(),
      then: press("2"),
      silenceAfterPrompt: 3000,
      timeout: 6000,
      whenPrompt: contains(["pounds", "pence"]),
      then: doNothing(),
      silenceAfterPrompt: 3000,
      timeout: 6000,

Training your transcriber

Improving the accuracy of your transcript service is the ideal starting point as you can then make your instructions more descriptive of what customers would hear (forming documentation of your flow) and allows you to catch changes to the wording that could negatively impact customers.

Each transcription service is trained differently, but usually involves providing it with a list of words/phrases that it cleverly learns to recognise in the audio stream.

IVR Tester currently supports AWS Transcribe and Google Speech-to-Text (refer to their READMEs on how to train them), but we’ll focus on Google Speech-to-Text as its so simple to train…

const config = {
  transcriber: googleSpeechToText({
    languageCode: "en-GB",
    speechPhrases: [
      "Fictional Enterprise",
      "account number",
      "followed by hash",
      "customer services",
    useEnhanced: true
  recording: {
    transcript: {
      outputPath: path.join(__dirname, "../recordings")

That’s it, I told you it was easy. When defining Google Speech-to-Text in our test’s configuration we simply give it the phrases that it found most problematic, and at a little extra cost I told it to use its ‘enhanced model’ (limited to certain languages).

const balanceTest = {
  name: "Customer can ask to hear their balance",
  instructions: inOrder([
      whenPrompt: similarTo("please enter your account number followed by hash"),
      then: press("864586#"),
      silenceAfterPrompt: 3000,
      timeout: 6000
      whenPrompt: similarTo("press 1 to hear your balance or 2 for customer services"),
      then: press("2"),
      silenceAfterPrompt: 3000,
      timeout: 6000
      whenPrompt: matches(/your balance is [0-9]+ pounds and [0-9]+ pence/),
      then: hangUp(),
      silenceAfterPrompt: 3000,
      timeout: 6000

Measuring the accuracy

Calculating the accuracy of the transcription services before and after training is done using the Word Error Rate (WER).

To calculate the WER:

  1. Install the speech-recognition-evaluation tool.
     npm install -g speech-recognition-evaluation
  2. Store the transcription reference (know as the ground truth) to a file
     Welcome to Fictional Enterprise. Please enter your account number followed by hash
     Press 1 to hear your balance or 2 for customer services
     Your balance is 2 pounds and 1 pence
  3. Run the untrained test with the and tell it to record the transcription:
     const config = {
       transcriber: googleSpeechToText({ languageCode: "en-GB" }),
       recording: {
         transcript: {
           outputPath: path.join(__dirname, "../recordings"),
           includeResponse: false // We don't care about what our instructions responded with

    Resulting in the file:

     welcome to fit enter pies please enter you account number follows by dash
     press 1 to hear your ballet or 2 for consumer services
     your ballet is 2 pounds and 1 pence
  4. Calculate the WER
    asr-eval -e -o original.txt -g google-transcription-without-training.txt
    Word Error Rate (WER): 29.03225806451613%
  5. Run the test using our trained model and record the transcript
     const config = {
       transcriber: googleSpeechToText({
         languageCode: "en-GB",
         speechPhrases: [
           "fictional enterprise",
           "account number",
           "followed by hash",
           "customer services",
         useEnhanced: true
       recording: {
         transcript: {
           outputPath: path.join(__dirname, "../recordings"),
           includeResponse: false
     welcome two fictional enterprise please enter your account number followed by hash
     press 1 to hear your balance or 2 for customer services
     your balance is 2 pounds and 1 pence
  6. Calculate the WER
    asr-eval -e -o original.txt -g google-transcription-with-training.txt
    Word Error Rate (WER): 3.225806451612903%

Albeit highly contrived, the example shows how training your transcription model has improved the Word Error Rate by 25.80%

Copyright © 2023 Lucas Woodward