Configure your environment for either Google or Amazon’s transcription service
Install and start ngrok
npm install ngrok -g
ngrok http 8080
Run the tests
# Local port that IVR Tester will listen onexport LOCAL_SERVER_PORT=8080
# URL that ngrok exposes to the outside worldexport PUBLIC_SERVER_URL=$(curl -s localhost:4040/api/tunnels | jq -r .tunnels[0].public_url)
node test.js
constconfig={transcriber:googleSpeechToText({languageCode:"en-GB"})};newIvrTester(config).run({from:"0123 456 789",to:"0123 123 123"},{name:"Customer is provided a menu after their account number confirmed",steps:[{whenPrompt:similarTo("Please enter your account number"),then:press("184748"),silenceAfterPrompt:3000,timeout:6000,},{whenPrompt:similarTo("press 1 for booking a repair or 2 for changing your address"),then:hangUp(),silenceAfterPrompt:3000,timeout:6000,},],});